As part of a new UI library, I have created a Currency Textbox in a manner that follows the guidelines found in the Webgrown Solutions UI Manifesto. The Currency Textbox supports the following features:
Just a basic input element, with a normal class attribute and some custom data (data-*) attributes to allow feature customization. Once the CSS and Script stuff are in place on a website, any page can implement the Currency Textbox by simply setting the input element's class attribute to "currencyTextbox" and setting the desired optional custom data attributes.
That sounds like a DRY solution to me (see UI Manifesto).
<div class="form legendLook horizontalFormLayout"> <div id="hdivFormTest1ConfirmationMessage" class="confirmationMessageWrapper hide"></div> <label for="txtUsdCurrency">USD Amount:</label> <input type="text" id="txtUsdCurrency" class="currencyTextbox" maxlength="14" required placeholder="e.g. 123.45" data-currencyIsoCode="USD" data-formGroup="formAuthenticate" name="singleItem" /> <label for="txtEurCurrency">EUR Amount:</label> <input type="text" id="txtEurCurrency" class="currencyTextbox" maxlength="14" required placeholder="e.g. 123,45" data-currencyIsoCode="EUR" data-formGroup="formAuthenticate" name="" /> <div class="formButtonWrapper clearFix"> <input type="submit" class="ajaxFormPost buttonStrong" value="Submit" data-formGroup="formAuthenticate" data-serviceRequestUrl="/UiLibrary/SingleItemTestSubmit" data-successFunction="successFormTest1" data-confirmActionMessage="" data-processingMessage="" data-overlayWindowWhileProcessing="true" /> </div> </div>
function formatCurrency(value, currencyIsoCode, event) { var requestingElement = $("#" +; //8 = Backspace //9 = Tab (so will stay highlighted) //16 = Reverse Tab - Shift+Tab (so will stay highlighted) if (getKeycode(event) != 8 && getKeycode(event) != 9 && getKeycode(event) != 16) { var formattedCurrency = ""; var decimalSeparator = "."; var decimalPlaceCount = 2; switch (currencyIsoCode.toUpperCase()) { case "EUR": decimalSeparator = ","; decimalPlaceCount = 2; break; default: decimalSeparator = "."; decimalPlaceCount = 2; } //Build and assign the "pattern", if not already there. if (!isAttrDefined(requestingElement.attr("pattern")) || requestingElement.attr("pattern").length == 0) { var patternValue; if (decimalSeparator.length > 0) { patternValue = "/^((\\d+\\" + decimalSeparator + "\\d{1," + decimalPlaceCount + "})|(\\d+))$/"; } else { patternValue = "^\\d+$"; //number only } requestingElement.attr("pattern", patternValue); } //Assign a "maxlength", if not already there. if (!isAttrDefined(requestingElement.attr("maxlength")) || requestingElement.attr("maxlength").length == 0) { requestingElement.attr("maxlength", (20 + decimalPlaceCount)); //some huge amount, just to be safe } for (var i = 0; i <= value.length; i++) { var decimalIndex = -1; if (decimalSeparator.length > 0) { decimalIndex = formattedCurrency.indexOf(decimalSeparator); } if (((value.charAt(i) == decimalSeparator && decimalIndex < 0) || value.charAt(i) == "0" || value.charAt(i) == "1" || value.charAt(i) == "2" || value.charAt(i) == "3" || value.charAt(i) == "4" || value.charAt(i) == "5" || value.charAt(i) == "6" || value.charAt(i) == "7" || value.charAt(i) == "8" || value.charAt(i) == "9") && (decimalIndex < 0 || formattedCurrency.length < (decimalIndex + 1 + decimalPlaceCount))) { if (value.charAt(i) == decimalSeparator && formattedCurrency.length == 0) { //Add zero before decimal, if the decimal is first valid char in value. formattedCurrency = 0; } formattedCurrency += value.charAt(i); } } return formattedCurrency; } else { return value; } } //Enable Currency Textbox(es) $(parentElementSelector + " input.currencyTextbox").each(function () { $(this).keyup(function (event) { var currencyIsoCode = ((!isAttrDefined($(this).attr("data-currencyIsoCode")) || $(this).attr("data-currencyIsoCode").length == 0) ? $("#hfGlobalCurrencyIsoCode").val() : $(this).attr("data-currencyIsoCode")); $(this).val(formatCurrency($(this).val(), currencyIsoCode, event)); }); });
Not applicable.