As part of a new UI library, I have created a Limited Textarea in a manner that follows the guidelines found in the Webgrown Solutions UI Manifesto. The Limited Textarea supports the following features:
Just a basic textarea element, with a normal class, maxlength and sizing attributes. Once the CSS and Script stuff are in place on a website, any page can implement the Limited Textarea by simply setting the textarea element's class attribute to "limitedTextarea" and setting the maxlength to a desired string length limitation.
That sounds like a DRY solution to me (see UI Manifesto).
<div class="form legendLook horizontalFormLayout"> <div id="hdivFormTest1ConfirmationMessage" class="confirmationMessageWrapper hide"></div> <label for="txtLimited">Description:</label> <textarea id="txtLimited" class="limitedTextarea" required placeholder="Please enter some text and see the counter adjust accordingly." rows="10" cols="60" maxlength="500" data-formGroup="formAuthenticate" name="Value"></textarea> <div class="formButtonWrapper clearFix"> <input type="submit" class="ajaxFormPost buttonStrong" value="Submit" data-formGroup="formAuthenticate" data-serviceRequestUrl="..." data-successFunction="successFormTest1" data-confirmActionMessage="" data-processingMessage="" data-overlayWindowWhileProcessing="true" /> </div> </div>
//Enable Limited Textarea(s) $(parentElementSelector + " textarea.limitedTextarea").each(function () { $(this).wrap("<div id=\"" + $(this).attr("id") + "_wrapper\" class=\"limitedTextarea\" />"); $("#" + $(this).attr("id") + "_wrapper").append("<div id=\"" + $(this).attr("id") + "_counterWrapper\">" + $("#lblLimitedTextareaCharacterRemainingText").html().replace("#", $(this).attr("maxlength")) + "</div>"); $(this).keyup(function (event) { var requestingElement = $("#" +; $("#" + requestingElement.attr("id") + "_counterWrapper").html($("#lblLimitedTextareaCharacterRemainingText").html().replace("#", (requestingElement.attr("maxlength") - requestingElement.val().length))); }); });
.horizontalFormLayout div.limitedTextarea { float:left; margin-top:9px; } div.limitedTextarea div { color:#B8AFA2; }